Our Crew


We Create Engaging Experiences

Our Story

A up and coming podcast originally based out of Jacksonville, Fl. Starting out as a class project between 3 college friends, Grateful Noob was simply a podcast that reviewed mostly independent video games not regularly given attention by the larger gaming market. Over the next few years, the team would find their niche in covering gaming competition and local comic convention.   After college, the project was consider over as the original members going their own ways to pursue the impossible, finding jobs that actually use their college degrees. Grateful Noob would find a second life a year later with 2 new members joining the team and expanding into streaming video production.  Soon adding an additional team member, Cosplay would complete the new focus of Grateful Noob to become a advocate for all things creative about comics and anime. With this, Grateful Noob has evolved to GNCreative to focus on becoming a hub for creatives in all these areas to have a safe and fun community to learn, share, and entertain.

Our Mission

Our motto is ” To win, you first must play”. We are dedicated to whether audio, video, and in-person to be a community for all levels of gamers, cosplayers, comic lovers, and anime enthusiasts.  In the beginning, we focused on explaining the ins and outs of the gaming community to first time gamers or even gamers that are venturing into new areas of gaming.  We now apply that same focus for fans of comic, anime, and cosplay with more to come in the future.  Our founder, a life-long comic book lover,  has always seen the joy and wonder of these forms of entertain create a spirt of inclusion between a groups of people that would normally believe that they have nothing in common. Ultimately, showing that we all have far more similar than different within. If nothing  else is accomplished by the creation of this site and its affiliates, GNCreative strives to be a source for others who have been made to feel that they don’t belong among  hardcore fans because they’re new. Let us be the first to remember you. You are not alone because we’ve all been a Noob before.


Games & Apps

Active Users

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Our Team

lead, GNCreative

Steve Drix


Lead, omata terebi

Dashing Kam


Lead, Unlimited lives gaming

The Iconic One


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